Creating in Chaos
It’s hard to sit down to write a newsletter about being creative and art when it feels like the world is falling apart. It’s hard in this moment to find it in myself to care about art, teaching it, creating it, or supporting others in doing it. It all feels so unimportant and trite. Everything for me feels shadowed in sadness right now. And then, in a little Instagram exchange with a former student, I am reminded… he said (in regard to certain aspects of the current situation in our country) “It makes me so tired. But, I honestly think artists are some of the best allies. The poets and painters and story tellers really can communicate to people…” Thank you Nate Lewis for the reminder that even when I don’t feel like I have it within myself, I can support and encourage others to use their voices in their art.
In our last podcast interview with Pilar Pobil, I was struck with the resilience people have to live through hard things. If you haven’t listened, I encourage you to do so. She leaves the prompt “Dare”. How can we use that prompt to put our story, poem, art, out into the world?
Yes, I’m feeling disheartened today. I want to hold space and hope that there are still more good people than bad and that somehow we will all take care of each other. I want to rejoice in technology and rockets going into space and that this weekend I celebrated my son’s 12th birthday. I want to remember that there are more loving people than hateful ones. I want to provide lessons and support to you and your kids to put your creative voices out into the world…
Stay safe.
“Dare” to use your voice and create.
