holding hope a talisman in my pocket soft smooth stone slowly rolls through my fingers breath of a meditation beads of a rosary or mala a prayer for a new year a new day a new hope …and thus, we enter a new year and a new opportunity to express ourselves creatively. I’ve played with words this past year in the form of poetry, and a podcast, and that is a new form of expression for me. What new mediums call to you? There is concrete hope on the horizon that life will return to some sort of normal and I look forward to holding classes in person again someday. Like the beginning of every new year, there is a sense of renewal and opportunity to try new things. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on the past year (which was definitely a strange one!) and acknowledge our progress and how we got to where we are.
What areas did you gain progress in this past year? What visual art classes would spark your interest? What would you create if you had the space to do it in? On this quiet morning of this new month in a new year, I leave you with these questions, and thoughts, and hope. I’d love to hear your replies if you feel so inclined. Wishing you a creative and hopeful New Year ✨ ❄️ ✨